The role of failure in shaping your success

Every person faces failure in their lives and a question that comes to mind is “Do our failures make us successful?” Failure is experienced in many facets of our lives, from school, careers, relationships to personal fronts. How many times have you analyzed how these failures are shaping up your next success? Most probably not, because we live in a world that prioritizes success. Therefore, we tend to hide our failures and give it less importance.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something. Unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all, in which case you will have failed, by default.” ~ J.K. Rowling

Failure teaches you more than success

Unlike success, which gives immense pleasure and happiness, failure gifts you the beauty of experience, which stays with you for a long period of time. Every failure indicates your genuine willingness to try something new. Trying and failing are two of the most important teachers in your life. They teach us how to walk the path to success. Failure encourages critical thinking and forces you to look back and ask why it didn’t work out as planned.

Some of the life lessons that failure teaches us include:

  • Experience and Knowledge: Many times we wonder what guarantees 100% success. The only answer to this question is failure. When we fail, we gain first-hand experience and the knowledge to work with precision. Failure alters your mind and reflects the real nature of things and their importance in our lives. Through the induction of pain and sorrow, failure transforms and improves our inner well being, thus creating failure-to-success stories. Failure brings with it the knowledge that can be used in future, to avert the failure itself.
  • Resilience: We do not know about our internal strength until we are in a situation that tests our mental and physical strength. Failure is one such test and there is always a failure behind a test. Failure makes one resilient and strong as one uses their mental strength and behavior to protect themselves from the negative effects of failure. Resilience is a key ingredient for success.
  • Growth and Value: Our lives are destined to grow and improve. Failure helps one mature and helps one’s growth as a human being. It gives direction to our growth.

Changes your mindset and personality

People associate failure with defeat and they think they must now stop. However, failure is not the end; it just means you need to take a different route. Failure changes your basic mindset and helps you build up into a person who is fearless, stronger and ready to face any obstacles to create a success story.

Many people only find their true purpose in life, from their failures. Failure brings out a state of mind where you feel you have lost everything and nothing can get worse than this. It brings out of our comfort zone and challenges us to take great leaps in life.

We may frown about failure but it is a very essential teacher in our lives. It is the drive and determination that you show after failure that determines your success. Therefore, don’t let failure pull you down. Learn from it and get inspired of it. Then rise, like a phoenix, and show the world what you deserve, as failure is the stepping stone to real success in life.

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