Business & Entreprenuership

Jamila Hassan: Exploring the world of social media marketing

Jamila Hassan: Exploring the world of social media marketing

Jamila is a digital marketing enthusiast, social media consultant and the Founder of She Social KE. We caught up with her for a session. Here is how it went. Kindly introduce yourself My name is Jamila Hassan but most people know me as Jammy. I am a social media consultant based in Mombasa currently. I…

BRIDGET MKHONDO: Embracing agriprenuership in South Africa

BRIDGET MKHONDO: Embracing agriprenuership in South Africa

Bridget Mkhondo is the Founder and Managing Director of BW & Daughter Farms, a venture which produces and sells organic vegetables and tomato-associated products. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Limpopo, South Africa and is a finalist for the 2023 Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans under the…

Lavender Odeny: How to grow an agribusiness venture

Lavender Odeny: How to grow an agribusiness venture

Lavender Odeny is an Agri-preneur enthusiast with an educational background in Agribusiness Management and Trade. She is the founder and director of MashLav Foods Company LTD, an agricultural company based in Mtwapa, Kilifi, Kenya that produces fresh oyster mushrooms while training farmers on mushroom farming. Lavender has skills and experience in grant writing, market research, design…

How to pay yourself from your business

How to pay yourself from your business

Making money is probably one of your main goals when starting your business. But in some cases, especially when starting out, money can end up mostly being reinvested into the business. Even when business owners begin to pay themselves, they may not understand how much they should pay themselves in order to make the business…

What is the value of your product/service?

What is the value of your product/service?

There is nothing like a product being `too expensive’. If it were, then brands like Apple, Lamborghini and Rolls Royce would be out of business. As the seller, you always set the price of a product. This price should always include operational costs (costs incurred in making/offering the product/service) and profit. The customer on the…

5 Money Rules To Generate More Income For Your Business

5 Money Rules To Generate More Income For Your Business

The ability of a business to generate income through the various products and services offered, determines how long the business becomes operational. A business will eventually close down if it does not generate enough profit to be sustainable. So, the most important question that an entrepreneur will ask themselves is ‘How can I generate more…

KEN OUKO; How to manage your finances better

KEN OUKO; How to manage your finances better

Kindly introduce yourself briefly. I am Ken Ouko, the Founder of Ken’s MoneyMatters and Co-Founder of Gene Coaching School. Ken’s MoneyMatters is the financial literacy branch of Gene Coaching School. The pandemic is here and has affected many of us financially. Is there a way we can manage our finances during these times so that…

A Freelancer’s Guide: How much should you charge?

A Freelancer’s Guide: How much should you charge?

Having the chance to bid on a major project is a freelancer’s dream, but can also be a nightmare. If the client hasn’t set a price and you have to come up with your own estimate, it can be very difficult to know how much to charge. If you get your estimate wrong, you can…

Master the art of dating your customers

Master the art of dating your customers

There are two main ways to get married in this world. First, you can sign up to all social media channels and send a marriage proposal to all ladies and guys you come across in the platform. This will not only be creepy but may also backfire on you. Second, is to focus on one…

WARIMA MUGGI: Micro-finance opportunities for youth and women

WARIMA MUGGI: Micro-finance opportunities for youth and women

Kindly introduce yourself to us, please. I am Warima Muggi. Warima is a public servant working as a socio-economic empowerment officer for Women Enterprise Fund, a government agency which under the State Department of Gender Affairs. I am also a lifetime Rotaractor and has been charter member of the Rotaract of UoN-Lower Kabete and a…

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