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Jamila Hassan: Exploring the world of social media marketing

Jamila is a digital marketing enthusiast, social media consultant and the Founder of She Social KE. We caught up with her for a session. ...

EMILY MWANGI: Inspiring Nyeri through coffee, poetry and books

Emily Mwangi is #TheLibrarian by passion and calling, and a storyteller at heart with over 15 years of experience in the field. She is also ...

The role of failure in shaping your success

Every person faces failure in their lives and a question that comes to mind is “Do our failures make us successful?” Failure is ...

BRIDGET MKHONDO: Embracing agriprenuership in South Africa

Bridget Mkhondo is the Founder and Managing Director of BW & Daughter Farms, a venture which produces and sells organic vegetables and ...

Lavender Odeny: How to grow an agribusiness venture

Lavender Odeny is an Agri-preneur enthusiast with an educational background in Agribusiness Management and Trade. She is the founder and ...

CHARLES MGHENYI: How to build a career in the media industry

Charles Mghenyi is a seasoned journalist with over 10 years’ experience in news reporting. He currently serves as the Coast Region Bureau ...